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Updates for Families: November 24, 2023

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Dear KPR Families,

This week was Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. We continue to educate students about the harmful impacts of bullying, and together with staff, focus on how we can promote safe, caring schools and create positive learning environments where everyone feels a sense of belonging. We encourage families to continue these important discussions at home and visit the Bullying Prevention section on our website or the Ministry of Education website for information and resources about what to watch for, what you can do and where to get help.

The end of November will mark the end of Indigenous Peoples Awareness Month in KPR, but we look forward to continuing the learning throughout the rest of the year. We invite students and families to engage in the resources and opportunities through KPR’s Passport to Reconciliation program, for ideas about how to continue your learning journey.

The start of December marks many important human rights observances. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is December 3. Learn more about KPR’s commitment to create more inclusive, accessible learning and working conditions for people with diverse abilities. December 10 is International Human Rights Day, a time to reflect on our commitment to embed principles of human rights in all that we do – to ensure equity and inclusion for all. On December 6, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we remember the lives of 14 young women who were killed at Polytechnique Montréal. KPR schools will join others across our country and lower school and Board office flags as a symbol of remembrance. We remember all those who have experienced gender-based violence and reaffirm our commitment to end all violence and discrimination.

Please visit KPR’s Events Calendar for a list of other upcoming significant dates.

Rita Russo
Director of Education


High School Grade 8 Information Nights

KPR secondary schools are hosting information sessions for parents, caregivers and students between November and January. Grade 8 families can learn everything they need to know about schools, programs, courses and the many exciting opportunities that are available! For event details, including a list of dates and times, students and families can visit the Board website.

Winter Weather Reminders from STSCO

With winter weather fast approaching, Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario (STSCO) has shared a reminder of their winter weather procedures for students and families using the school busing system. Visit STSCO’s website for more information and review the Winter Weather Newsletter for helpful reminders.

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