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Updates for Families: September 15, 2023

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Hello everyone,  

Just two weeks into the new school year, students are becoming more familiar with routines and school is back in full swing. I have had the pleasure of visiting schools over the last couple of weeks and I continue to be inspired by the curiosity and determination of students, and the innovation and passion of staff. KPR truly is an awesome place to be! 

The start of the school year provides many opportunities for students to make new connections, build meaningful relationships and get involved in their school and community. Participating in activities at school and learning new skills can contribute to student well-being in many ways.  

Next weekend, KPR is participating in the Peterborough Pride Parade. Everyone is welcome to join us to show pride and allyship, and to support and celebrate people of all sexual orientations and gender identities; to honour those who have paved the way for equal rights; and to contribute to building accepting attitudes, safe and inclusive spaces in our schools and communities. Peterborough Pride Parade is Saturday, September 23, at 1:30 pm, beginning at Peterborough City Hall.  

Lastly, with several important days of significance coming up in the days ahead, including two Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and Powley Day recognized by Métis communities, I invite you to visit KPR’s Events Calendar to learn more about these important observances and others.  

Wishing you a lovely weekend. 

Take care, 

Rita Russo 
Director of Education 


Curve Lake Pow Wow 

The 70th annual Curve Lake Pow Wow takes place tomorrow and Sunday. Everyone is welcome to attend the annual celebration of ceremony, dance, and song. The Curve Lake Pow Wow website contains important cultural information to inform your participation. 

Annual Parent Conference 

Save the date – KPR's Annual Parent Conference is returning the morning of Saturday, October 21 as a virtual event, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Jean Clinton!  

Through the context of building resilience and healthy relationships, Dr. Clinton will share practical strategies to empower parents and caregivers to support their children during important transitions and create conditions to help them thrive throughout their educational journey and beyond!  

More details and registration information are coming soon!  

Report IT! 

The Office of the Commissioner of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility (COHREA) is fully accessible and available to all students, staff and families to report any issues of concern, and in particular human rights-based issues of discrimination and harassment that involve a breach of the Human Rights Code, and barriers to accessibility under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The Commissioner’s Office promptly reviews, assesses and determines necessary next steps for addressing all complaints.   

While we continue to encourage students, staff and families to first address concerns directly with those involved in the situation, e.g. the teacher, principal, manager or superintendent, concerns may also be reported confidentially, through the online reporting tool – Report IT!  More information about the COHREA is available on the Board website or by contacting the office directly at  

New Language Curriculum Grade 1 to 8 – A Guide for Parents 

Ontario’s language curriculum for Grades 1 to 8 was updated last spring by the Ministry of Education for implementation beginning this September. The parent guide below provides an overview of the knowledge and skills that students will learn in each grade. Language, Grades 1 to 8: a guide for parents (  

Grade 9 English – A Guide for Parents 

A new de-streamed English curriculum was recently released. More details about the new Grade 9 English course are available on the Ministry of Education website. 

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