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Enterprise Systems

Student working with an iPad

ICT is continually creating efficiencies in the management of our student and staff data, and modernizing the platforms that house the data.  These systems include our HR, Finance System and Student Information System, as well as custom systems for our mental health, psychology and speech and language staff, to efficiently maintain their records.  We support all areas of the board with their technology needs.


To achieve the key priorities

ICT maintains our Special Services Information System, vital to privately storing valuable information to help effectively support students.  We have enhanced our report writers (Speech & Language and Psychological Services) to fit the needs of our professional staff in their important work for those needing assistance in providing an equitable educational experience. 

Contact Us

Information and Communication Technology
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1994 Fisher Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6

Elementary Technology Helpline
Phone:  705-742-9773 x3002
Send email to Elementary Helpline

Secondary Technology Helpline
Phone:  705-742-9773 x3001
Send email to Secondary Helpline

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