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Mental Health and Well-being

Be Well graphic

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board views student mental health and well-being as a very important part of student success. When students are preoccupied with emotional concerns or worry, they cannot be fully available for learning. A mentally healthy school community plays a critical role in supporting the development and maintenance of positive mental health and well-being for KPR's students. In this section of our website you will find information and resources to help support your child/youth's mental health and well-being.

Kids Help Phone  Get help 24/7 at or 1-800-668-6868, or text 686868 Resources Around Me

Mental Health is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” (World Health Organization)

Mental Health problems "cause major changes in a person's thinking, emotional state and behaviour and disrupts the person's ability to work and carry on their usual personal relationships” (Mental Health Commission of Canada). In students, this might include problems with mood, focus, behaviour and their ability to relate to peers, maintain friendships, perform in school and participate in activities.

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board has numerous resources available to students and their families, who need additional support. If you are concerned about your child or youth's well-being, the first step is to connect with your child's teacher or principal. They are a well-positioned partner who help to connect you with appropriate school-based or community-based supports. 

Our Educational Assistants and Child and Youth Workers play an important role in supporting students in schools to develop and utilize the communication, self-regulatory, academic, and social skills that will ultimately lead to success.

Our Mental Health Clinicians provide individual, and group based mental health intervention to students who are experiencing mental health concerns that are interfering with their well-being and functioning at school. Mental Health Clinicians support students' social and emotional well-being and collaborate with parents and school staff to assist in implementing strategies that students need to experience success.

Psychoeducational Clinicians and School Psychologists work as members of the school team to support student learning, behavioural, and social/emotional well-being. They collaborate with parents and school staff to develop a plan to support student success.

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