December 10 Decision
At the December 10 Board meeting, the Board of Trustees approved planning Concept A.2. for implementation beginning September 2025.
A summary of detailed changes and impacts by school is available here:
Detailed Overview of Impacts by Family of Schools
To support successful student transitions, the Board also approved a motion for administration to seek to provide additional supports and resources for Kenner CVI, beginning in the 2025-2026 school year.
More information on changes for students and families will be shared directly with affected school communities.
November 27 Resource Committee Update
At this meeting, school board administration summarized the accommodation planning and consultation processes, shared the Phase Two Engagement Report, and provided an analysis of the concepts with the guiding principles.
November 27 Resource Committee Report and Appendices
Phase Two Engagement Report
Concepts and Guiding Principles
November 6 Resource Committee Update
At the November 6 Resource Committee meeting, school board staff provided an update on phase two of the Accommodation Planning process for Peterborough City and County schools. This update included preliminary feedback themes shared by the community this fall, initial cost information for Concepts A.1 and E, as well as a new refined concept.
Taking into consideration some of the feedback received, and in line with the guiding principles established for this process, school board administration presented an additional concept for consideration by the Board (Concept A.2).
Concept A.2 is the same as Concept A.1 except for the following:
- North Cavan PS would remain part of the Crestwood Family of Schools grouping.
- Highland Heights PS would remain a JK-Grade 8 school and remain part of the Adam Scott CVI Family of Schools grouping. A holding area would be established for Phase 2 of the Nature’s Edge (Lily Lake Road) residential development. Elementary registrations from the holding area would attend Queen Mary PS and secondary registrations would attend Kenner CVI.
Please take time to review all the strategies and impacts of Concept A.2 and other accommodation information in the links below.
November 6 Resource Report
Appendix A Cost Analysis Matrix
Appendix B Cost Analysis Matrix
Concept A.2 Impacts
Concept A.2 Enrolment Projections
Concept A.2 Boundary Map
Appendix C.4 Cost Analysis Matrix
Appendix D Lily Lake Potential Holding Area