B-3.4, Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
ES-3.1, Alternative, International and Continuing Education
BA-6.9, Alternative Projects and Accommodation Arrangements
B-2.2, Annual Meetings and Committees of the Board
ES-4.1, Assessment Evaluation and Reporting
B-2.1, Board and Committee Meetings
BA-1.6, Board Member Honorarium
B-1.1, Board Operation and Policy Development and Management
HR-5.3, Code of Conduct for Employees
HR-5.1, Code of Ethics for Employees
B-5.3, Communications With Staff
B-7.1, Communications with the Community
B-8.2, Community Use and Access to School Facilities
HR-2.1, Compensation for Employees
HR-4.6, Disconnecting from Work
BA-5.2, Disposal of Surplus or Obsolete Materials, Furniture, Equipment and Technology
ES-2.1, Emergency Preparedness
ES-3.17, English Language Development Program
BA-7.2, Environment and Energy
B-3.2, Equity Diversity and Inclusion
BA-4.10, Expenses and Reimbursements for Employees
BA-4.9, Expenses and Reimbursements for Trustees
ES-3.4, Experiential Learning Policy
BA-4.5, Financial Reporting and School Budgets
ES-3.13, First Nation Metis and Inuit Voluntary Self-Identification
HR-4.3, Flexible Work Arrangements
BA-4.2, Goods and-Services Tax Harmonized Sales Tax and School Authorities
HR-4.5, Health and Medical - Employees
ES-1.5, Health and Medical Needs
ES-6.1, Home Education: Home Schooling and Home Instruction
B-3.3, Human Rights Code-Based Discrimination and Harassment
BA-20, Inclement Weather Policy
ES-3.16, Indigenous Language Program
BA-1.4, Information and Communications Technology
HR-7.1, Long-Serving and Retirement Recognition
BA-6.1, Naming Renaming of Schools and Board Facilities
HR-4.1, Occupational Health and Safety
B-1.8, Parental and Public Concerns
B-7.3, Parent Involvement Committee
B-8.1, Partnerships in Education
ES-1.2, Pediculosis in Schools
ES-1.6, Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs)
ES-3.2, Political Activity in Schools
ES-3.12, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
BA-1.8, Privacy and Information Management
BA-5.1, Procurement Procedures
BA-1.2, Pupil Accommodation Review-School Closure Consolidation
ES-4.2, Recognition of Student Success
ES-1.1, Safe and Caring Schools
B-6.2, School Councils Associations
BA-7.3, School Generated Funds
BA-6.3, School Playground Equipment
B-1.11, Selection, Appointment and Evaluation of the Director of Education
B-1.12, Selection, Appointment and Evaluation of Superintendents
ES-3.3, Selection Approval and Reconsideration of Learning Resources
B-1.4, Signing Officers of the Board
ES-1.3, Smoke Free Environment
B-7.5, Social Media and Digital Communications
B-3.1, Strategic Planning and Priorites
B-3.1A, Strategic Planning and Priorities-Appendix-A - Four year Strategic Planning Cycle
BA-7.1, Student Accommodation Planning
ES-3.14, Student Activity Fees
B-6.4, Student Government in Schools
ES-5.1, Student Registration Admission
BA-8.7, Student Transportation
BA-6.5, Surplus Board Real Estate
BA-6.6, Trespass - Unlawful Use of Board Property
B-4.2, Trustee Attendance at Workshops, Conferences and Conventions
B-1.2, Trustee Code of Conduct
BA-6.7, Vandalism - Acts Against Board Property
HR-4.2, Workplace Harassment
Policy Feedback
Board policies are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they remain up-to-date, culturally relevant, responsive, and support the effective delivery of educational services.
Contact Us
Policies and Regulations
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1994 Fisher Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6
Phone: 705-742-9773 x2353
Toll-Free: 1-877-741-4577
Send email to Policies and Regulations