Central Public School
120 Wellington Street
Bowmanville, L1C 1V9
Elementary schools in Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board provide caring, supportive learning environments for students to learn and grow. Our secondary schools offer a variety of programs and initiatives that build on the strong learning foundation developed at the elementary level. We also have adult and alternative education centres operating out of three regional campuses.
The 'Find A School' app is a tool to help parents/guardians determine which school(s) their children should attend, based on their home address.
PLEASE NOTE: Some school boundaries are changing for the 2025-2026 school year, because of the planned opening of the new Northglen Neighbourhood school in Bowmanville, and Peterborough Accommodation planning regional changes affecting a number of schools.
Learn more about Peterborough Accommodation planning regional changes.
The Find a School link in the box below shows boundaries effective as of September 1, 2025.
The Find a School link in the box below shows current boundaries, in effect until June 30, 2025.
Please use the directory below for more information about our schools, links to school websites, and to get directions.
120 Wellington Street
Bowmanville, L1C 1V9
Principal: Linda Cole
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:15 pm
195 Bons Avenue
Bowmanville, ON
L1C 0L3
Principal: Michelle Petts
Vice Principal: Samantha McAllister, Dawn Graham
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am - 3:35 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
1675 Nash Road
Courtice, L1E 2L8
Principal: Val Ledrew
Vice Principal: Kerry Martin
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:30 am-2:50 pm
71 Sandringham Drive
Courtice, L1E 1W8
Principal: Bryan Beers
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:40 am-3:00 pm
Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School
75 Meadowglade Road
Courtice, L1E 3G7
Principal: Lorelei Downes
Vice Principals: Jessica Kelly , Michael Sutcliffe
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am-3:35 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
45 West Side Drive
Bowmanville, L1C 4Y8
Principal: Deirdre Morgenstern
Vice Principal: Lori Ranelli
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am-3:35 pm
Duke of Cambridge Public School
47 Liberty Street
Bowmanville, L1C 2L8
Principal: Sanaa Soussan
Vice Principal: Fiona Koets, Stojan Kargov
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:10 am-2:25 pm
8145 Old Scugog Road
Enniskillen, L0B 1J0
Principal: Cheryl Van Den Oetelaar
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
43 Ormiston Street
Hampton, L0B 1J0
Principal: Jordie Hofstede-Barker
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:30 am-3:50 pm
Harold Longworth Public School
350 Longworth Avenue
Bowmanville, L1C 5J5
Principal: Sherry Richer
Vice Principal: Maureen Appiah
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am-3:35 pm
175 Mearns Avenue
Bowmanville, L1C 5C6
Principal: Emily Ogilvie
Vice Principal: Shawna Mitchell
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-3:05 pm
80 Avondale Drive
Courtice, L1E 3C2
Principal: Sarika Henry
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:00 am-3:20 pm
2296 Taunton Road
R.R.# 1
Hampton, L0B 1J0
Principal: Karen Duke
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
50 Glass Court
Newcastle, L1B 1M5
Principal: Christopher Johnson
Vice Principal: Eric Grice
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:30 am-3:50 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
(scheduled to open September 2025)
140 Northglen Blvd.
Bowmanville, L1C 3K2
Principal: Nicholas Shea
Vice Principal: TBD
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
School website
Boundary Map
171 Church Street
P.O. Box 30
Orono, L0B 1M0
Principal: Setina MacLean
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:30 am-3:50 pm
1462 Nash Road
Courtice, L1E 1S7
Principal: Sarah Carroll
Superintendent:Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
10 Church Street
Bowmanville, L1C 1S3
Principal: Barbara Speed
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:35 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
168 Waverley Road
Bowmanville, L1C 3Y8
Principal: Alison Finlay
Vice Principal: Danielle Morrison
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:30 am-2:50 pm
Clarington Central Intermediate School
200 Clarington Blvd.
Bowmanville, L1C 5N8
Principal: Nicholas Shea
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:15 pm
1717 Nash Road
Courtice, L1E 2Y4
Principal: Adel Nixon-Evans
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:20 am-2:25 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
The Pines Senior Public School
3425 Hwy 35/115
R.R.# 8
Newcastle, L1B 1L9
Principal: Tina Futers
Vice Principal: Vickie Mazzocchi
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:20 am-2:40 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
49 Liberty Street North
Bowmanville, L1C 2L8
Principal:David Boone
Vice Principals: Katherine D'Andrea , Michelle Corneau
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:30 am-2:30 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
French Immersion Boundary Map
Clarington Central Secondary School
200 Clarington Blvd.
Bowmanville, L1C 5N8
Principal: Jennifer Knox
Vice Principals: John Stephenson, Jenna Grzela
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:17 am-2:17 pm
3425 Hwy 35/115
R.R.# 8
Newcastle, L1B 1L9
Principal: Karen Cummings
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:10 am-2:25 pm
1717 Nash Road
Courtice , L1E 2L8
Principal: Jeff Watt
Vice Principal: Jennifer Tomlin, Dexroy Haughton
Superintendent: Jamila Maliha
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:20 am-2:25 pm
140 High Street
Bowmanville, L1C 3C1
Principal: Scott Johnson
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Cathy Abraham , Paul Brown , Kathleen Flynn
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
9320 Burwash Road
P.O. Box 120
Baltimore, K0K 1C0
Principal: Renee Cameron
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
90 Roseglen Road North
Port Hope, L1A 3V6
Principal: Tracy Gray
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
French Immersion starting Sept. 2024: SK-Grade 3
24 Elizabeth Street Bag 9100
Brighton, K0K 1H0
Principal: Andrea Hunt-Schmoll
Vice Principal: Sarah Comerford
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cyndi Dickson
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:35 pm
French Immersion starting Sept. 2024: SK/Grade 1
Extended French available Grade 5-8
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Extended French Boundary Map
614 Burnham Street
Cobourg, K9A 2X1
Principal: Martha Harp-McMurray
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:15 pm
287 Gravely Street
Cobourg, K9A 1H8
Principal: Kara Trumbley-Novak
Vice Principal: Jessica Kelly
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:20 am-2:40 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map JK-6
Boundary Map 7-8
Boundary Map French Immersion
3546 Kennedy Road
R.R.# 4
Cobourg, K9A 4J7
Principal: Robert Pellerin
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:25 am-2:45 pm
8 Alfred Street
P.O. Box 70
Colborne, K0K 1S0
Principal: Jayne Patterson
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cyndi Dickson
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:25 am-2:45 pm
34 Percival Street
Port Hope, L1A2B7
Principal: Tyler Kolodzinski
Vice Principal: John Duclos
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15am - 3:35pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion & Extended French
654 Station Road
Grafton, K0K 2G0
Principal: Gregory Sumi
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
25 Albert Street W
P.O. Box 309
Hastings, K0L 1Y0
Principal: Marc Riopel
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am - 3:35 pm
55 Elmore Street
P.O. Box 759
Campbellford, K0L 1L0
Principal: John Goheen
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-3:05 pm
French Immersion starting Sept. 2024: SK/Grade 1
Extended French available Grade 5-8
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map Extended French
150 Kent Street
P.O. Box 1090
Campbellford, K0L 1L0
Principal: Adrianna Douglas
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-3:15 pm
457 King Street E
Cobourg, K9A 1M7
Principal: Carrie-Beth Davidson
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:25 am-2:45 pm
Murray Centennial Public School
654 County Road 40
R.R.# 1
Trenton, K8V 5P4
Principal: Brandi Hollinger
Vice Principal: Robin Bell
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cindy Dickson
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
French Immersion starting Sept. 2024: SK/Grade 1
Extended French available Grade 5-8
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map Extended French
North Hope Central Public School
3278 Ganaraska Road
R.R.# 1
Campbellcroft, L0A 1B0
Principal: Stephen Fisher
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
Northumberland Hills Public School
2246 Spring Street
PO Box 108
Castleton, K0K1M0
Principal: Peri Dowsley
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cyndi Dickson
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:30 am-3:50 pm
Percy Centennial Public School
129 Church Street
P.O. Box 70
Warkworth, K0K 3K0
Principal: Peter Cain
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:20 am-2:40 pm
4877 Burnham Street N.
R.R.# 1
Gores Landing, K0K 2E0
Principal: Darlene Morra
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
Roseneath Centennial Public School
9047 Highway 45
P.O. Box 59
Roseneath, K0K 2X0
Principal: Alison Osborne
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
241 Drewery Street
R.R.# 3
Brighton, K0K 1H0
Principal: Troy MacKenzie
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cyndi Dickson
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
212 County Road 26
P.O. Box 479
Brighton, K0K 1H0
Principal: Steven Cooper
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cindy Dickson
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
994 Will Johnson Road
R.R.# 1
Frankford, K0K 2C0
Principal: Jessica Scaletta
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cyndi Dickson
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:20 am-3:40 pm
1065 Riddell Avenue
Cobourg, K9A 5N4
Principal: Stephen Koshurba
Vice Principal: Jodi Walas
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:25 am-3:45 pm
Dale Road Senior Public School
8228 Dale Road
R.R.# 4
Cobourg, K9A 4J7
Principal: Ronald MacDonald
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:25 am-2:45 pm
Dr. M.S. Hawkins Senior Public School
130 Highland Drive
Port Hope, L1A 2A3
Principal: Alexandra Elassal
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:35 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
Campbellford District High School
119 Ranney Street N
P.O. Box 960
Campbellford, K0L 1L0
Principal: Bobbie Brown
Vice Principal: Brad Yhard
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-2:55 pm
335 King Street East,
Cobourg, K9A 1M2
Principal: James Patenall
Vice Principals: Jason Mack, Julie Paige
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees : Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:15 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
East Northumberland Secondary School
71 Dundas Street
R.R.# 3
Brighton, K0K 1H0
Principal: Tracey Burke
Vice Principal: Michelle Jones, David MacKinnon
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Cyndi Dickson
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:30 am-2:30 pm
130 Highland Drive
Port Hope, L1A 2A3
Principal: Tracy McCarthy
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:30 am-2:30 pm
700 D'arcy Street
Unit# 30
P.O. Box 470
Cobourg, K9A 5T3
Principal: Scott Johnson
Vice Principal: Christina Carey
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustee: Jaine Klassen Jeninga , Terry Brown, Cyndi Dickson
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
238 Burleigh St
P.O. Box 279
Apsley, K0L 1A0
Principal: Nicole Lees
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustee: Diane Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:40am-3:00pm
1800 Lakehurst Road
P.O. Box 106
Buckhorn, K0L 1J0
Principal: Jennifer Forsythe
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustee: Diane Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:50 am-3:20 pm
1029 Gore Street
Bridgenorth, K0L 1H0
Principal: Debbie Strain
Vice Principal: Nancy Handy
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Diane Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-3:05 pm
1111 Royal Drive
Peterborough, K9H 6P9
Principal: Rebecca Padgett
Vice Principal: Mary Louise Heenan
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:15 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion (as of 2025/2025)
Havelock-Belmont Public School
55 Mathison Street E
Havelock, K0L 1Z0
Principal: Jason Huffman
Superintendent: Drew McNaughton
Trustee: Diane Lloyd
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:50 am-3:20 pm
Highland Heights Public School
430 Highland Road
Peterborough, K9H 5J7
Principal: Lorena Haley-Twiss
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:05 am-3:25 pm
1175 Brealey Drive
Peterborough, K9J 6X4
Principal: Michelle Borgatti
Vice Principal: Emily Holmes
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustees: Steve Russell , Rose Kitney
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:35 pm
Kaawaate East City Public School
250 Hunter Street
Peterborough, K9H 1H1
Principal: Marguerite Masterson
Vice Principal: Melissa Casselman, Melissa Mallory
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
Kawartha Heights Public School
11 Kawartha Heights Blvd
Peterborough, K9J 1N4
Principal: Brooke Ostapek
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustees: Steve Russell , Rose Kitney
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees:Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:00 am-3:20 pm
860 St. Mary's Street
Peterborough, K9J 4H6
Principal: Lyn Westlake
Superintendent: Jodi Sepkowski
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:15 pm
Lakefield District Public School
71 Bridge Street
Lakefield, K0L2H0
Principal: Peter Knierim
Vice Principal: Shannon McKinley
Superintendent:James Brake
Trustee: Diane Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:15 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
Millbrook South Cavan Public School
47 Tupper Street
Millbrook, L0A 1G0
Principal: Nick Cloutier
Vice Principal: Amy Simmons
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:10 am-2:30 pm
2001 County Road #10
R.R.# 2
Cavan, L0A1C0
Principal: Jennifer Johnston
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am-3:35 pm
42 Pinecrest Avenue
R.R.# 3
Keene, K0L 2G0
Principal: Jennifer Fitzgerald
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:40 am-3:00 pm
Norwood District Public School
24 Flora Street
Norwood, K0L 2V0
Principal: Krista Ferrier
Superintendent: Drew McNaughton
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:15 pm
580 River Road S.
Peterborough, K9J 1E7
Principal: Diahne Graham
Superintendent: Jodi Sepkowski
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
1211 Monaghan Road S.
Peterborough, K9J 5L4
Principal: Helen Thompson
Vice Principal: Bradley Conlin
Superintendent: Jodi Sepkowski
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am-3:35 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
830 Barnardo Avenue
Peterborough, K9J 5V9
Principal: Drew Beaton
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:00 am-3:20 pm
1445 Monaghan Road N.
Peterborough, K9J 5M8
Principal: Amy Addison
Vice Principal: Brikena Pazari
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
1221 Neptune Street
Peterborough, K9H 5S3
Principal: Matthew Avery
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustee: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:15 am-3:35 pm
550 Erskine Avenue
Peterborough, K9J 5T4
Principal: Kevin Coulter
Superintendent: Jodi Sepkowski
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 9:10 am-3:30 pm
975 English Line S.
P.O. Box 93
Warsaw, K0L 3A0
Principal: Jeffery White
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:50 am-3:10 pm
1520 Sherwood Crescent
Peterborough, K9J 6T8
Principal: Kevin Dunn
Vice Principal: Natalie Dummitt
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Rusell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:40 am-3:00 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
Adam Scott Intermediate School
175 Langton Street
Peterborough, K9H 6K3
Principal: Krista Telford
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:35 am-2:50 pm
Link to school website
Boundary Map
Boundary Map French Immersion
1885 Sherbrooke Street W
Cavan-Monaghan, K9J 7B1
Principal: Rebecca Jones
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustees: Angela Lloyd
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:15 am-2:35 pm
633 Monaghan Road S
Peterborough, K9J 5J2
Principal: Helen Thompson
Superintendent: Jodi Sepkowski
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:25 am-2:45 pm
Norwood District Intermediate School
44 Elm Street P.O. Box 70, Norwood, K0L 2V0
Principal: Darlene Davison
Vice Principal: Jadine Reynolds
Superintendent: Drew McNaughton
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-3:05 pm
Adam Scott Collegiate Vocational Institute
175 Langton Street
Peterborough, K9H 6K3
Principal: Laura Doucette
Vice Principals: Nicole Bardell, Jeff St. Thomas
Superintendent: John Ford
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:40 am-2:50 pm
1885 Sherbrooke Street W
Cavan-Monaghan, K9J 7B1
Principal: Peggy Perkins
Vice Principal: Kingsley Hurlington
Superintendent: Glen Payne
Trustees: Angela Lloyd
First Nations Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:25 am-2:35 pm
Kenner Collegiate Vocational Institute
633 Monaghan Road S
Peterborough, K9J 5J2
Principal: Skye Jordon
Vice Principal: Jamie Nobes
Superintendent: Jodi Sepkowski
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:30 am-2:40 pm
44 Elm Street
P.O. Box 70
Norwood, K0L 2V0
Principal: Darlene Davison
Vice Principal: Steve Shantz
Superintendent: Drew McNaughton
Trustee: Angela Lloyd
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:55 am-3:00 pm
Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School
1009 Armour Road N
Peterborough, K9J 7B1
Principal: Debbie Callahan
Vice Principals: Stephen McBride, Courtney Chartrand
Superintendent: James Brake
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Student Trustees: Ben Poley, Aanya Singh
School Bell Times: 8:45 am-2:45 pm
Peterborough Alternative & Continuing Education (PACE) at P.C.V.S
201 McDonnel Street
Peterborough, K9H 2W1
Principal: Scott Johnson
Vice Principal: Lisa Hickman , Laura Elliot
Superintendent: Sonal Gohil
Trustees: Rose Kitney , Steve Russell
First Nation Trustee: Sean Conway
Contact Us
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1994 Fisher Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6
Phone: 705-742-9773
Toll Free: 1-877-741-4577
Fax: 705-742-7801
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